Faculty Profile
Department of Psychology
Dr. Jose Mathews

Dr. Jose Mathews completed his his MPhil and PhD (1995) from Department of Psychology, University of Madras. The title of his doctoral thesis is “Influence of select variables on the pattern of self-disclosure: An experimental study”. He has taught at the American College, Madurai, (Department of Management Studies), Christ University Bangalore (Department of Psychology), School of Management and Business Studies, MG University, Kottayam. A significant part of his teaching was at Gedu College of Business Studies, Royal University of Bhutan.

  • Mathews, J. (2005). A situation-based decisionmaking process, ICFAI Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol.4 (3), 19-25. 5. 
  • Mathews, J. (2006). Leader relations model: An alternative approach to the traditional process of leadership, Vision-The Journal of Business Perspective, Vol.10. (4) 37-48.
  •  Mathews, J. (2007). Relational transformative management: A new paradigm, ICFAI Journal of Management Research, Vol.VI, No.9, 22-31.
  • Mathews, J. (2008). Entrepreneurial Process: A Personalistic –Cognitive Platform Model, Vikalpa, Vol.33 (3), 17-34.
  • Matthews, J. (2009). Models of change management: A reanalysis, ICFAI Journal of Business Strategy, June, 5-1. 12. 
  • Mathews, J. (2012). Knowledge creation in organizations: A social-cognitive view, Vikalpa, Vol.37 (3), 73-86. 18. 
  • Mathews, J. (2013). Jesus the CEO: A managerial Perspective, Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrating Spirituality for Organizational Leadership held on 10th to 12th January 2013 at Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar, India.
  • Mathews, J. (2014). Organizational routines: Multiple learning mechanisms, AIMT Journal of Management, Vol.3 (1&2), 20-33.
  • Mathews, J. (2015). Brand personality: Finding compatibility between human personality and brand characteristics, IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol.12 (2), 21-38. 27. 
  • Mathews, J. & Lhamo, T. (2015). Servant leadership: A componential analysis, Bhutan Journal of Business and Management, Vol.2 (1), 19- 27. 28. 
  • Mathews, J.(2016). An Information Processing View of Competition Analysis, IUP Journal of Business Strategy, Vol.13 (1),1-13. 29. 
  • Mathews, J. (2016). Toward a conceptual model of global leadership, IUP Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Vol.15 (2), 38-55.
  • Mathews, J. (2016). New-genre Leadership Theories: An Overview, HRM Review, Vol.12 (6), 21- 49. 33. Mathews, J. (2017). The structure and development of global mindset, IUP Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Vol.16 (4), 7-33. 34. Mathews, J. (2017). Entrepreneurial leadership: A conceptual examination, IUP Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, Vol.14994), 31-50. 35. Mathews, J. (2017) Soft motivators for organizations, IUP HRM Review, August, 18-30. 36. 
  • Mathews, J. (2018). Entrepreneurial personality: A configurational approach. Colombo Business Journal. (9)1, 45-79 DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/cbj.v9i1.22 
  • Mathews, J. (2018). Implementing green management in business organizations, IUP Journal of Business Strategy, 15(2), 46-62
  • Mathews, J. (2018). A human resource-based view of the organization, IUP HRM Review, December, 25-39. 39. 
  • Mathews, J. (2019). A Configurational model of brand loyalty, IUP Journal of Brand Management,16(4),7-28. 40. 
  • Mathews, J. (2020). Spiritual mindset for employees, IUP HRM Review, February, 21-34. 41. 
  • Mathews, J., Yezer, K. and Antony, K. M. (2020). Organizational Architecture of human resources, Bhutan Journal of Business & Management, Vol. 3, 17-34 42.
  •  Mathews, J. & Palanisamy, R (2020). E-Learning in Perspective In M Ganesh and N Panchanathan (Eds.), Revolutionizing Indian education system, (pp.148-156), Bangalore: A&E Publishing House, ISBN:978-81-946245-0-9.
  • Mathews, J. (2021). Spiritual theory of leadership effectiveness, IUP Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Vol. XX, No. 1, 1-23. 45. 
  • Mathews, J. (2021). Corporate branding in higher education, IUP Journal of Brand Management, Vol.18, (3),7-28. 46. 
  • Mathews, J. (2021). Work from home: Key considerations, IUP HRM Review, Vol.17 (4),21-33. 47. 
  • Mathews, J. & Lhamo, T. (2022). Customer engagement: An experiential system view, Delhi Business Review, Vol. 23(1) 9-22. 48. 
  • Mathews, J. (2022). An emergent behavioural view of innovation, In R. Ratna,D.J. Thakur,S. R. Samantha & R. C. Panda (Eds.,), A Multidisciplinary Approach in Innovation Paradigm, Ghaziabad, Swaranjali Publication. 49.
  •  Mathews, J (2022). Psychological Capital: A Reconceptualisation, International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy DOI: 10.1504/IJMCP.2022.10046297  
  • Mathews, J & Sharma, P. P (2022). HRM-Firm Performance Linkage: Unpacking the Black-Box, Bhutan Journal of Business and Management, 5(1), 64-84  
  • Mathews, J. (2022). Crisis Leadership: The Cognitive-Affective Personality Traits Approach. The IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 16 (4),22-43
  • Mathews, J. (2023). The Dynamics of employer branding and the employer brand, IUP Journal of Brand Management, 20 (1), 5-27