Service Learning

Sacred Heart College has designed a civic engagement scheme called Service Learning in order to encourage its students to remain connected to the local community. The scheme is founded on the three core values of the mission statement of the college: Holistic Development, Nation Building and Dissemination of Knowledge. The scheme demands a minimum of 40-hours of mandatory social service for all the undergraduate students to fulfil the requirements for the award of their undergraduate degree. The activities related to SL seeks to improve their physical and mental well-being and to instill in the students a caring attitude not only to fellow human beings, but also to all life forms around them. This includes supporting local community in attaining self- sufficiency, protection of the natural environment and sustainable practices in agriculture. Service-learning activities are expected to build leadership and communication skills besides encouraging social responsibility and citizenship skills. This also enables them to relate the knowledge gained from class rooms to real-life situations, appreciate manual work, and a life of minimal consumption.

EC Office
  • 85472 20360
  • 85472 84360
Contact Address
  • East Campus,
  • Sacred Heart College,
  • Pandit Karuppan Road, Thevara,
  • kochi,682013,
  • Kerala,India