Heartian Coat of Arms

The college Coat Arms is in the form of a shield divided into four parts by a Cross, with a Crown and Lily at the top and a motto in a Scroll at the bottom.
The Flaming Heart signifies a burning desire for true wisdom and a consuming love for fellow beings. The Sacred Heart of Jesus, the hallowed insignia of the college, symbolizes the passionate love and the unending compassion for humanity.
The Ship in the Ocean with violent waves dashing against the rocks symbolizes the individual in this world with proper nurture of the heart and the head. The student should be able to sail safely along the troubled waters of the ocean of life (samsara sagaram) with courage and confidence.
The Open Book indicates the pursuit of knowledge and individual's aspiration.
The Natural Scenery with the Oak Tree (signifying Western World) and the Palm (signifying the Orient) and a Stream flowing in between suggests the harmonious blending of the ethos of the east and the west, the local with the global. The pre- eminence of the Indian culture is hinted at by the Indian palm towering above the western oak.
The Cross that divides the shield into four parts symbolizes innocence, sanctity, discipline and the triumph of truth. The Crown and the Crest point to the goal of each student -to be crowned victorious, shielded with truth. The Lilly symbolises purity which is the chief characteristic of a true seeker of wisdom.