Faculty Profile
Department Of Enviornmental Science
Dr.T J James
Assoc. Prof. , HOD

Formerly Associate Professor in Zoology, has 25 years of Under Graduate and Post Graduate teaching experience and 30 years of research experience in neurology of ageing with respect to nutrition, neurotropic Ayurveda and allopathic drugs, pollution and medicinal plant extracts. Has been awarded A V Tilak Award for best paper, installed by Association of Gerontology India, in 1992 and Fr. Dan Thottakara publishing award , Sacred Heart College, Thevara, Kochi, Kerala, India, 1998. Selected as a speaker to talk in the Young Scientists Session organized by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India in the 86th annual meeting of Indian Science Congress Association held in Chennai, India from Jan. 3.-7,1999 and as a chairperson in a session in the International Conference on Lipofuscin held in Tokyo, Japan in 1995. Has Life membership in  Association of Gerontology, India, Neuroscience Society of India and Indian Academy of Neurosciences, India.

Has 38 publications in national and international journals besides 75 abstracts in international and national conference/seminar proceedings. Has attended , Workshop for Graduate Scholars in science and Social Sciences for Application of Science and technology for Rural Development,Kurukshetra University, Haryana, 1990, under gone short term training course on Cloning and Expression of Animal Genes” at Jiwaji University, Gwalior, MP, India, for three weeks during August 15-September 14, 1997, “Workshop on Techniques in Neuroscience” at Jiwaji University, Gwalior, MP , India,for two weeks during December 8-20, 1997,“Biotechnology Tools in Animal Sciences, February 2-4, 2006, SH College, Thevara, Kochi., India, attended DST Monitoring Workshop, Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram, India, March 4-5, 1998, refresher course in Environmental Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, India, January 5-25, 2006 and refresher course in Marine Biology and Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, India

  • Conferred A V Tilak Award for best paper, installed by Association of Gerontology India, in 1992.
  • Selected as a speaker to talk in the Young Scientists Session organized by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India in the 86th annual meeting of Indian Science Congress Association held in Chennai, India from Jam. 3.-7,1999.
  • Dan Thottakara publishing award , Sacred Heart College, Thevara, Kochi, Kerala, India, 1998.
    Innovations in Academics

    1. SAP, 2000 an inboard one week science awareness programe conducted for higher secondary school students in science sponsored by DST, New Delhi, India.
    2. Education programe for Dooradarshan, TVM., India
    3. Studies on Sciences of Ageing for BSc students through Gerontology club and a programe on Santhvanam at Sacred Heart College, Thevara, Kochi, Kerala, India.
  1. A research project sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, on hypoxia and brain damage was undertaken . This investigated the possibilities of reducing the deleterious effects of hypoxia by surgical treatment of liposome entrapped super oxide dismutase.
  2. Studies were done on central cholinergic enzymes in ageing animals. It was found that cholinergic enzyme activity reduced substabtially with age and that Maharshi Amrit Kalash, and ayuervedic formulation, could elevate serum testosterone and central cholinergic enzyme activity.
  3. Studies were conducted to see the effect of Selenium deficiency on white Wistar rats. Selenium deficiency induced and increased lipid peroxidation and lipofuscin formation in nervous and non-nervous tissues.
  4. Effect of Geriforte, an Ayuervedic brain tonic, on lipofuscin in spinal cord (SPC), heart and liver was studied and found that the tonic could remove lipofuscin only from SPC.
  5. Studied the effect of deprenyl on ageing animals with respect to diagnostic marker enzymes, protein and glycosides, TCA cycle enzymes, Lipid peroxidation, Antioxidant enzymes and amino acids.
  6. Studied the relationship of diet, exercise and life style in the age associated disorders
  7. Studied the effect of some medicinal plant extracts on mosquito larva.
  8. Studied the histology of frog brain with special reference to cerebellum.
  9. Studies were conducted to see the gravity of river pollution on the brain of fishes with respect to heavy metal pollution.
  10. Studies were conducted to see the changes in the amino acid profile in ageing and deprenyl treated rats.
  11. Studied the prevalence of cypermethrin in river water and its effect on cockroach with respect to O2 consumption and biochemical parameters.
  12. In vitro studies were done on the effect of ascorbic acid and some plant extract in scavenging free radicals –a potent factor that initiates ageing and age associated pathological conditions.
  13. Studied the effect of Ervatamia flower extracts in vivo and in vitro on its antioxidant property.

Coordinator, Centre for Environmenatl Studies.