M.A. English
Language and Literature

Master’s programme in English is oriented towards research and hence the emphasis is on guiding the students to frontier areas. The multi-pronged approach adopted in the syllabus gives equal importance to a sound knowledge of the basic texts and an initiation into contemporary discourses.
The first two semesters provide the students with a period-based overview of English literature, the third semester makes a genre/domain-oriented approach. This includes areas such as cultural studies, gender studies and fiction studies. In the fourth semester, the students are offered a basket of choices from which each one can choose four papers according to his/her taste and predilection.
While retaining the general structure of the University syllabus, the Board of Studies of the college has introduced radical changes in the curriculum. An important thrust area is elective courses in semester four, wherein the students are offered a basket of nine courses from which each student can pick freely according to his/her interest. The syllabus provides the students with adequate space
for honing their creative and critical thinking skills. Likewise, every question paper will contain a mandatory section in Part C for application-oriented answers.

Curriculum Structure
Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV
Core Course 1:

Chaucer and the Roots of English

Core Course 6:

Literature of the Nineteenth Century

Core Course 11:

American Literature

Core Course 16:

Literature and the Empire

Core Course 2:

Writings of the Renaissance

Core Course 7:

Modernism in Context

Core Course 12:

Cultural Studies

Elective 1*
Core Course 3:

Revolution and the Enlightenment

Core Course 8:

The Postmodern and Beyond

Core Course 13:

Gender Studies

Elective 2*
Core Course 4:

Literary Criticism and Academic Writing

Core Course 9:

Language and Linguistics

Core Course 14:

Modes of Fiction

Elective 3*
Core Course 5:

Indian English Literature

Core Course 10:

Theories of Knowledge

Core Course 15:

Texts and Performance

Elective 4* &

Project and Viva-Voce

* Under electives the students are the free to choose four courses from the basket of nine courses given below:

1. Modern European Drama, 2. Shakespeare across Cultures, 3, Malayalam Literature in Translations: Aspects and Contexts, 4. Ecology and Literature, 5. Understanding Cinema: Film Theory, 6. Comparative Indian Literature, 7. The Public Sphere and its Contemporary Context, 8. Modern European Fiction, 9. Literature of Self-reflexivity.

Career oppurtunities

Higher Studies:

Ph.D. with specialisation in English Literature, Comparative Literature, Media Studies,
Cultural Studies, Linguistics, English Language Teaching etc.

Job Options:

Content Writer, Copy
Writer, journalist/Reporter, Corporate Communication Executive, Sub-Editor, Proof reader,
Translator, Teacher, Instructional Designer, Creative Writer etc.