Wealth And Investment Management

As the name suggests, Value Add on Courses give students an edge in the intensely competitive job market by equipping them with skills that they may not get with an honours or integrated programme. In this regard Department of Commerce, East campus also facilitated the students to brush up their investment skills with the introduction of an add on course titled “Wealth and Investment Management”, which was provided by the department faculties itself.

Course Outcome
  • To understand the basics of investment and asset classes such as Real estate, Gold, Financial assets and securities
  • To analyse financial goals and how asset allocation should be based on your life’s stage and specific financial goals
  • To equip the participant with necessary stock market theoretical and practical know-how so that students can apply the same in researching equity markets for wealth creation
  • To develop a portfolio using the core principles of long-term investing and a systematic investment plan
  • To develop a proficiency in different investment strategies that work best with your risk-return profile.
EC Office
  • 85472 20360
  • 85472 84360
  • eastcampus@shcollege.ac.in
Contact Address
  • East Campus,
  • Sacred Heart College,
  • Pandit Karuppan Road, Thevara,
  • kochi,682013,
  • Kerala,India